New Computer Users Tutorials - the Wizard of Jobs

Beginners' Computer Tutorials
Step by Step

- To move Down the page, press the   "down arrow" key on the keyboard...

- To move Up the page, press the   "up arrow" key on the keyboard...

- To get started learning, just place your mouse arrow over any title of blue words below, then "Click" the LEFT Mouse Button on top of it...
    ...  ( You may need to "Click" the LEFT Mouse Button TWICE, Quickly! ).

Note: At first you may want to hold the mouse steady with your right hand,
then "click" the top left mouse button with your left index finger.
You'll get the familiar using the mouse and increase your "clicking" accuracy after a few hours...

- Clicking on a blue title is called "following a LINK", and it will take you through the Internet to another computer, where that file (or "page") resides.     Once you have finished looking at that webpage, you may choose to come back to where you were before.

To GET BACK to where you were before, do a Mouse-Click on the "Back Button" (or "Back Arrow" navigation button), which is located in the upper-left corner at the very top of your Computer screen.
   (Note: This is NOT the "Backspace" or "Back Arrow Key" on the computer keyboard - it is an icon or small picture of a back or left-pointing arrow).

You may even keep backing up one page at-a-time, to return to the previous pages you were visiting earlier.

A Mouse Basics Course - Getting Around

Advanced Mouse Skills


Browsing for Beginners -

Child Safety on the Information Highway

Children on the Internet - What Are The Risks?

Dr. Seuss on Computers (Just for Fun)


Free Computer and Internet Tutorials -

How to Use a Mouse - Mouserobics!

Internet and Computers - Learn about Computers and the Internet

Internet Beginners Guides - Yahoo!

Internet Job Searching Tips

   Internet Tips and Tricks - from the Wizard of

Internet Tutorials

Learn the 'Net Tutorials

Librarian's Index to the Internet

Netiquette - Internet Etiquette and Online Manners

Opening an Application (a Computer Program)

Search Engine Tutorials

The Net - User Guidelines and Netiquette

The World Wide Wait - Finding your Way through the Muck

Using the Internet in Your Job Search

Using the Scroll Bar

If you find any BAD links to sites,
or have any NEW ones to suggest for addition,
please send us an e-mail at:

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by the Wizard of Jobs

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