College Financing Options

"The reason why so little is done, is generally because so little is attempted.
- Samuel Smiles

First-time College Students, or adults who have decided to return to school have many options for financing their degrees.
So that people can continue to hold full-time jobs, many colleges and universities schedule classes at night or weekends, or they may offer programs via broadcast television, the Internet, multimedia, and through video conferencing. Many of these qualify as Full-Time College, so you may be able to qualify for traditional grants, loans and scholarships. (Check with ANY School you may be attending, FIRST!)

- All schools have a financial aid office. To maximize your chances for aid, visit or contact the office at the college to find out more about what grants, scholarships, low interest loans, co-operative education programs, tuition payment plans, and work-study opportunities are available.
- Another option is to take part in programs offered in an accelerated format – So if you must quit your full-time work, you'll only have to not work, or work part-time, for a shorter period.
- You can also research scholarships at libraries or through scholarship search services on the Internet.
- You may also choose to take advantage of education tax credits such as the Hope Scholarship Credit or the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit.

Many online resources are also available on
the Golden Brick Road - Scholarships
Also see my Article: Alternative College Options

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by the Wizard of Jobs
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